Адаптивный шаблон лендинга html5. Адаптивный шаблон лендинга на HTML5 и CSS3. Landing Zero - Лендинг с фоновым видео

Готовые лендинг пейдж шаблоны нужны для быстрого запуска нового продукта, его продвижения при помощи LP-страницы или мобильного приложения, либо мотивации пользователей зарегистрироваться / подписаться на рассылку. Для «целевой страницы» крайне важны удобство и простота пользования с грамотным расположением . Современные продающие шаблоны лендингов, разрабатываются с прицелом на возможность создания адаптивного сайта с высокой конверсией.

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Crossway – Startup Landing Page Template

Ультра-современная HTML5 тема на Bootstrap 3.1.1. Поставляется с 4 макетами: одно/много страничник, варианты панели навигации. Легкий эффект параллакс-прокрутки интегрирован в тему лендинга, адаптированную под мобильные и получение органического трафика (SEO).

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Html landing page шаблон для веб и мобильных приложений, нацелен на легкую генерацию лидов. Обладает быстрой загрузкой и валидным html, css кодом. В верхней части одностраничника продублирована форма контактов с .

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Primo Responsive Landing Page Template

Одностраничный HTML5 лендинг-шаблон с CSS3-эффектами. Имеет трехколоночный каркас, создан на Bootstrap 3. Подойдет для продаж iOS/Android-приложений. В шаблон включено 2 лейаута (с Parallax и без), Ajax формы контактов, PrettyPhoto лайтбокс и 5 цветовых схем. Легок в настройке: смените hex-коды и связанные элементы окрасятся в новый цвет. PSD в комплекте.

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Hype – App Landing Page

Современный, готовый к Retina шаблон для мобильных приложений предлагает 8 вариантов цветов, опции для изображений / .

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Gotte Multipurpose Landing Page

Многоцелевой лэндинг шаблон в плоском стиле поставляется с 3 вариантами index, 6 цветовыми схемами. Шаблон создан на twitter bootstrap3, включен PHP скрипт формы контактов и загрузки.

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Slander – Responsive Bootstrap HTML5 Landing Page

Slander – идеальный вариант для стартапа и компаний, подходит профессионалам или индивидуальному проекту. Отзывчивый дизайн с Bootstrap и HTML5 / CSS3 включает адаптивный слайдер, слайдер вкладок, форму новостной подписки и пр.

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Appster – Ultimate Clean App Landing Page Template

Cloud – An Easy To Use App Landing Page

Элегантный, чистый и минималистичный HTML5 / CSS3 шаблон лендинг пейдж с отличным функционалом. Шаблон разработан под страницу Coming Soon (скоро запуск), идеален для создания страницы приложения и сайта-витрины.

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OnEvent – Special Event Landing Page

Адаптивный лэндинг-шаблон для спец. мероприятий. Имеет секции под , коммерческое видео, расписание событий, список гостей.

Сегодня мы выкладываем для Вас отличный, адаптивный шаблон лендинга на HTML5 и CSS3.

Скачать шаблон Вы можете абсолютно бесплатно, предварительно просмотрев демо сразу же после описания.

Дизайн шаблона выполнен в черно-белых и мягко-зеленым тонах. Зеленым цветом позволяет акцентировать внимание посетителя на важных элементах сайта.

Вообще сайт подразумевался как для дизайн студии, либо под портфолио дизайнера, но переделать его можно под Вашу сферу деятельности.

Адаптивный шаблон лендинга на HTML5 и CSS3 имеет:

  1. Шапка сайта в шаблоне лендинга отсутствует, за то, по нынешним тенденциям присутствует кнопка меню;
  2. Главный дескриптор сайта, который позволяет понять посетителю о чем именно данный сайт, ниже расположена кнопка захвата, можно например сделать «Заказать звонок»;
  3. Далее идет текстовой блок, где можно сделать обращения директора или фрилансера к посетителю, либо можно написать текст «О компании»;
  4. Блок с иконками. Здесь можно разместить Ваши преимущества, либо услуги, которые Вы предоставляете;
  5. Далее идет блок с тематическим изображением, а так же текст со слайдом;
  6. Так же, в адаптивном шаблоне присутствует блок с выполненными работами;
  7. Далее идет форма захвата, необходимо прикрутить всплывающее окно с формой;
  8. Блок «Наша команда», где можно разместить фотографию, фио, о сотруднике, а так же ссылки на их соц. сети, емейл. Блок выполнен в виде слайдера;
  9. Блок емейл подписки;
  10. Блок с контактами Вашей компании, где можно указать: адрес, телефон, электронный адрес, а так же иконки, к которым можно прикрутить ссылки на соц. сети.

В целом отличный адаптивный шаблон лендинга на HTML5 и CSS. Шаблон имеет мобильную адаптацию, что позволяет Вашему сайту корректно отображаться на всех устройствах качественно, без необходимости приближать, что бы прочитать текст.

Все иконки на сайте выполнены по средствам css3, что дает большую скорость загрузки. Так же есть плавный скролл страницы.

В общем, при прямых руках, либо с малым бюджетом можно допилить шаблон под Ваши нужды очень даже добротно.

Главное идея, ведь шаблон landing page реально стоющий.

Пользуйтесь на здоровье! 🙂

С Уважением к Вам и Вашему бизнесу, команда Web-exito.

Всем добро) Первый мой пост в этом году и обновленном дизайне. Хочу порадовать крутым одностраничником или по другому Landing Page. Стильный, с большим набором css и js элементов, галереей и формой обратной связи. Сайт как бы идет по направляющей линии вниз. Скролл довольно длинный, но лишние элементы можно и убрать.

Блок GENERIC BOX представляет из себя набор css элементов для стилизации и верстки текста. Поэтому этого блока вообще не должно быть на рабочем сайте.

Пройдусь по всем блокам данного шаблона

Главная визуальная страница (это то, что видно изначально при загрузке сайта) представляет минималистичную картинку из названия сайта по середине, кнопки для начала просмотра сайта и красивый background. Далее следует блок с описанием компании или товара. Следом тянутся два блока, похожие на превью блога.

Галерея сделана по классическому варианту: изображение превью и увеличение при клике (правда в демо-версии изображения небольшие). Прямо за портфолио идет форма обратной связи (имя, email, сообщение). Следующий блок - это как раз Блок GENERIC BOX, где размещены различные элементы интерфейса и типографики: заголовки, цитата, списки, надстрочный и подстрочный текст, таблица (очень симпатичная). И в самом низу небольшой блок с иконками.

Данный шаблон Landing page подойдет как для личной персональной странички, так и для промосайта какой-нибудь компании. Смотрите «Демо», качайте шаблон. Всем удачного дня!

HTML 5 templates are in plentiful to choose from. These page templates get you started to launch a new product, app, and service or user sign-up activity or to subscribe. An entrepreneur can choose between a free landing page template or a premium template for implementation of his marketing campaign.You May also Visit . There are primarily two kinds of responsive HTML5 email templates – flat one page templates and corporate HTML 5 website templates. You can select from either of the bunch depending on the requirement you have. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that HTML5 Landing Pages templates help you get the best conversion rate. You May also visit .

Responsive HTML5 Landing Page Website Template

Give your app or website landing page a twist with our HTML powered template designs. They can display all necessary information with delightful grace and harmony to the rest of your website.

Responsive App Landing Page

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Simple HTML 5 Landing Page Template

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Free Landing Page Template with Contact Form

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Free HTML 5 Landing Page templates that have been designed for special events allow you to display necessary information regarding your event using the sections available in the templates. You can even add photo gallery, a commercial video, schedule of events and an executive guest list. You May also visit . Added to this is the direction to the venue by linking to Google maps. User specific information such as name, phone, email and message can also be captured. One Page HTML built using the Bootstrap framework can be used for personal, corporate, portfolio management and for bogging too. Most premium templates are fully responsive and could be used for personal portfolio also. Responsive template designs are available for individuals, companies and professionals. you may also like .

In this carefully made list of Bootstrap-based free HTML landing page templates, you’ll find some of the marvelous, awe-inspiring, and creative products. Because of the expansion of modern web technology these themes make your development process faster, more comfortable, and utmost beneficial.

As you know selling and user engagements depend too much on landing pages alone, you should select only the best grade templates. Therefore, this curated list will help the users who wish to build a polished, compelling, and mobile-optimized website with less effort.

A limitless number of resources are available online to produce excellent websites. We have amassed only the best free HTML landing page templates. Start reading and enjoy the awesomeness.


Here’s Titan, a high-end, multipurpose, free website template with multiple demos and hundreds of HTML files. It’s built for the people who love adventures because Titan brings a lot of amusement inside it. With this free HTML template, one can build their dream website with a myriad of ready components. The landing demo is so brilliant that you can choose it for your next promotion. In the world of free HTML landing page templates, Titan is a truly brilliant one. Let’s download the template and build whatever you want.


  • Unique and Elegant Design
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • Masonry Layouts
  • Working Contact Form
  • Custom Google Maps
  • Countdown Timer
  • Blog and Portfolio
  • Shop Layouts

New Age

New Age is a highly admirable, truly advanced, perfectly responsive, one of the best free HTML landing page templates. This template is a seamless choice for robust business, a promotional tool, and bona fide site building. Bootstrap landing page templates offer responsive websites for the users to make the sites appear on every device on the earth. As it’s an app landing page, one can get help from it to display web app and other products as well. Featured with bold typography, fresh design, multiple colorful sections, and easy customization make the template best suit for everyone.


  • Bold, Colorful, Attractive
  • Clean, Semantic Markup
  • Custom Fixed Navigation Menu
  • LESS Files Included
  • Custom Button Style
  • HTML5/CSS Device Mockups


A well-designed and highly functional template can pave your way to success in a great aspect. When we see free HTML landing page templates, we scrutinize their functionality and reliability too. Therefore, a template like Creative makes a big entrance in the line up free Bootstrap landing pages. It’s a one page template for creating landing sites and product showcasing. This feature-rich theme can boost your growth if you feel need a multiverse and strong template.


  • Fully Responsive
  • Modern, Creative Design
  • Highly Functional
  • Well-organized Template
  • Image Grid With Hover Effcts
  • Lightbox Gallery


MobApp is a free Bootstrap 4 landing page template with a vivid color scheme. For making landing pages for mobile or desktop apps, this an awesome choice. At the beginning, the header section is the most significant part which contains text and screenshots although you can organize that in your way. Every section is designed to add more features, media, and more. Sticky navigation, hover effects, CTAs, smooth scrolling, and more charming opportunities are available with the template. It’s one of the best free HTML landing page templates.


  • One Page Layout
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Vivid Colors
  • On-hover Animation
  • Carousel Slider
  • Social Media Icons
  • Pricing Plans
  • Themify Icons
  • Fully Responsive
  • Responsive Burger Menu


Free HTML landing page templates make every one beneficial who are needing to create websites for launching new products and initiating promotion. Amid many Bootstrap landing pages, Snow is beautiful, highly flexible, mobile-friendly, fresh-faced, and all-rounder template for webmasters. It’s UI-focused, parallax optimized, well-documented, totally engaging, and a sheerly efficient template. Use it for creating sites with multiple options, compelling contents, alluring design, and natural attractions.


  • Parallax Background
  • Pre-configured Templates
  • Email Signup Form
  • Social Media Icons
  • Visually Engaging
  • Flexible Customization

Small Apps

Small Apps is an astounding, sensational, vigorous, aesthetic, and responsive free landing page template. Constructed with Bootstrap 3 and HTMl5, the template gives you an incomparable opportunity for making landing sites without much effort. If the codes are clean and well-organized then search engines will favor it that results in a rank on the top. With Small Apps, your site will be SEO-friendly as well as mobile responsive. Since the design is Bootstrap-made, it will naturally adapt to both larger and smaller screens.


  • Mobile Friendly Layout
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Cross-browser support
  • Full-width and boxed layout
  • Enticing Contact Form
  • Font Awesome Icons

Landing Page

One of the striking features of free HTML landing page templates is all of them are amazingly functional. Especially, the list you’re reading on is full of massively efficient, eminently multi-verse, entirely mobile adaptive, and of course, utterly malleable. There was a time when people are less-aware about technology because of the limitation in the tech-world. Today human beings are enjoying their so far best time due to the modern invention and discovery.


  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Device Mockups Available
  • Call To Action
  • Responsive Design
  • Social Media Buttons


Free website templates for landing pages are some superb options to create website with no hassle. Exclusivity has a simple layout and powerful options for pro users. With sticky navigation, hero header, counters, Google Maps, and other first-class features are there to organize your website easily. For those reasons, it’s one of the best free HTML landing page templates. Moreover, you can complete a lot more with the integrated jQuery plugins. Also, it’s very easy to use especially for the people with no coding background.


  • Full-width Header
  • Bootstrap 4 Template
  • Sticky Top Navigation
  • Google Maps Integrated
  • Clean Typography
  • Animated Counters
  • Beautiful Price Table
  • Google Fonts
  • Detailed Footer Area

Blue App

Blue App is a hefty, prominent, spectacular, outstanding, practical, and massively useful free landing page template based on HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap 3. This template is a brilliant creation with the main focus on the user-attracting design, and cool layout to drawing the attention of the visitors. Not all the free HTML landing page templates are satisfying to use and to present your identity. Only a few can meet your demand with pleasure. Blue App is undoubtedly a wonderful incorporation among free Bootstrap landing page templates.


  • One Page Template
  • HTML 5 and Bootstrap 3
  • Parallax Background
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Nice Contact Form
  • Free Landing Page


People have to undergo the path for exploring the best-suit templates that help them make their websites unbeatable and extraordinary. As you get overwhelmed in the ocean of free HTML landing page templates and looking for a ray of hope we created the list. The eye-pleasing design, fluid responsive layout, engaging color scheme, and minimal vibe of Notes leave every user satisfied. For product launching and showcase page, use the template to harvest email addresses and know about your enthusiast audience.


  • Well-Optimized Code
  • Stylish Navigation
  • Google Fonts
  • CSS3 Animation
  • Readily Customizable
  • Cross-browser Compatibility


Avilon is clean, feature-rich, and appropriately built to build a landing page for all. In the list of free HTML landing page templates, Avilon makes its stance with strength and power. With the flawless design and powerful options, a developer or non-developer can comfortably build a website for their promotion. Made with Bootstrap 4, Avilon is ready to take your business to the next level. Also, users can get benefits from Font Awesome icons. Not to mention that it incorporates Google Fonts and gradients effect.


  • One Page Layout
  • Parallax Effect
  • Sticky Top Navigation
  • Gradient in Color Scheme
  • Social Media Links
  • Scrolling Animation
  • Lightbox Gallery
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • On Hover Zooming
  • Accordions
  • Multi-level Drop Down
  • Custom List Item


Lucy has all the top-quality features that help the users right under the way they surpass while being creative and imaginative. It’s also scintillating, astonishing, fast-paced, user-friendly, remarkable, and avant-grade. Not only this theme has a clean and simplistic design but it shows a real easy way to create sites as users desire also. Implementing the concurrent design rules this site template is an exemplary embodiment free HTML landing page templates.



To convince your audience to download or buy the service/product you offer is surely the crucial objective of a landing page. The formation of this blog about free HTML landing page templates is to ensure you do the things right. As it seems entrepreneurs who wish to reach the pinnacle of success may hardly want to waste their time on finding the right template. No way to ignore the importance of choosing the perfect theme because you’re going to lose your potential customers without it.


  • Unique, Modern, and Engaging
  • Easy To Use Template
  • Responsive Layout
  • Latest Technology
  • Best for Landing Page
  • Email List Creation Tool

App Landing

Even sometimes we get exhausted to find the beautiful as well as yielding template so that users don’t have to face any complexity in the endeavor of making landing sites. Here we have compiled some of the top-grade and responsive free HTML landing page templates only for your convenience. Online advertising is totally different from the real world. Here you need to present your content so that users tend to click on the actionable buttons. Not to mention that an exclusive template like App Landing can do that job most appropriate way.


  • Exquisite and Minimal
  • Tousch-friendly Design
  • SEO-focused Markup
  • User-engaging Elements
  • Lucrative Color Scheme
  • Free To Download

Landing Zero

Landing Zero is a high-class, mesmerizing, impressively-built, amazingly mobile adaptive, and free to download landing page template. It has a full-width video background, mobile-optimized layout, easy customizing facility, email subscription form, and well-polished design. With this Bootstrap-based template, webmasters can build a niche-specific landing page for making more customers engaged with your products. Without spending much time and any money, Landing Zero helps your effort make easy and convenient. The fresh design coupled with the Bootstrap framework, this template is a big addition in free HTML landing page templates.


  • Clean Responsive Design
  • Full-screen Image
  • Video Background
  • Ionicons Font Icons
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Awesome Gallery


You probably faced many troubles to find free HTML landing page templates that match your idea and need both. But thousands of free templates may obfuscate you and block your sense to differ the good from the bad. The endeavor was never easier. Rest assured. It’s our sole job to aid you so that you can make an impressive move to keep a place in people’s mind. Take AKAD as an example of sophistication and excellence. It’s a well-crafted web template that draws the way easy to follow for every passionate folk. Additionally, it has modern features for doing more works with less effort.



Before trying Backyard for creating a landing page, you really don’t know how a highly-functional web template looks like. And how it works when you have no prior deep coding knowledge. This powerful landing page template made the site building easier and more comfortable. As you know it’s equally important to keep the site well-adaptive on different screen sizes. However, Backyard was built on all latest web technologies and hence you can offer more functionality for your users. Color variations, multiple header styles, clean markup, parallax optimization, and responsiveness, all are for an impressive and eye-catchy website.


  • Parallax Backgrounds
  • Pricing Table Included
  • 100% Responsive Template
  • Multiple Layouts and Color schemes
  • Active Contact Form
  • Mailchimp Incorporation


In a row of free HTML landing page templates, Egret is an unbeatable and incomparable inclusion, no doubt about it. After reviewing many templates with several meticulous criteria, we decided these final items. You have no time to waste on garbage, after all. And we value your effort to work comfortably. For product landing pages, Egret is an admirable one that can ease your pain and make you free from obfuscations.


  • Super Quality Design
  • Ajax Contact Form
  • Different Color Schemes
  • Easy and Convenient
  • Mailchip Support
  • Free Landing Page


Check out this mind blowing template and start building landing pages instantly. Land.io is a superb composition out of free HTML landing page templates. A template made with careful and sincere effort can fulfill user’s demand completely. The performance and functionality are so amazing that you must love it and thus visitors will also get satisfied while they visit your site. Many features including Bootstrap 4, HTMl5, Saas, video section, YouTube embedding, and the well-commented code will let you go an extra mile. However, for free Bootstrap landing page download, get Land.io.


  • 100% Responsive Design
  • Simple, Fast and Reliable
  • Pricing Sections
  • Video Section Available
  • CSS 3 and HTML 5
  • Easy and Robust


Pluto is a creatively designed, wonderfully responsive, truly functional, amazingly malleable, and not to mention, totally free landing page template. Also, this template terribly works on multiple devices regardless of their platforms and screen sizes. Amidst free HTML landing page templates, Pluto is the right tool to demonstrate your vision through a landing page. Of course, it’s available free and anybody can use as it’s not complicated at all.


  • Clean, Material Design
  • Modern Web Technology
  • Mobile-friendly Framework
  • Easy To Customize
  • Free Landing Page
  • HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap3


CreativeZone is a terrific site template for a digital agency, art studio, startup, design firm, and business site. To build landing page templates, it will greatly support your effort while you want to draw your imagination on real canvas. The contemporary design trends and beautiful layouts are there to make your struggle painless and comfortable. Put your true focus on the business idea and make them highlighted with a real gem like CreativeZone. You will surely accomplish the project with no complication and more benefits.


  • One Page Template
  • Responsive Layout
  • Background Video
  • Parallax Effect
  • Retina-ready Gallery
  • Valid Markup


Because Air is robust, astounding, charming, and elegant we added this to the list of free HTML landing page templates. It’s a high-quality and superior template, indeed. If you haven’t found the right design then Air is there for your ultimate necessity. A fully responsive layout and functionally efficient Bootstrap theme can escalate the productivity right under the hood. Furthermore, Air incorporates the features that are limited on other free landing pages.


  • Astounding Design
  • Adaptive to Mobile Screens
  • Nice Color Tone
  • Smooth Animation
  • Sliding with Flex-slider
  • Off-canvas Menu

Mountain King

Were you able to construct a landing page without complication before? If not please try Mountain King. We can assure your unflinching experience, at least. In fact, it is a prominent insertion amongst free HTML landing page templates. Even in your wild imagination, you can’t enjoy this much freedom that Mountain King provides. It’s a precise choice for passionate webmasters who love flexibility while they’re on the ride. Minimal design, free vector icons, off-canvas menu, beautiful layout – everything’s there, just for you.


  • Masonry Gallery
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Responsive Off-canvas Menu
  • Clean and Commented Code
  • Free Vector Icons
  • Masonry Gallery

Landing Sumo

What makes people great? Of course, their work; remarkable, genuine, and creative work. To demonstrate this type creation you must need some tools for assistance. Landing Sumo, although it’s a premium product a free version’s also available, is a surprising, plentiful, stout, graceful, and fascinating template. The smooth animation and color scheme of Sumo are some enticing matter you should care about. In other words, within free HTML landing page templates, Landing Sumo is an irresistible invention


  • Awesome Color Combination
  • Breathtaking Design
  • Fresh and Clean
  • Touchscreen Friendly
  • Clean Commented Markup
  • Free Version Available


If you’re looking for a template that’s clean yet sturdy, minimal yet enticing, then you should look nowhere else than ActiveBox. Moreover, for better usability and true functionality, choose this theme with no doubt in mind. Above all, free HTML landing page templates have some great features that make the users even more powerful to build effective websites.


  • Super Cool Design
  • Clean and Powerful
  • Multipurpose Template
  • Adjustable To Any Screen
  • Easy To Customize
  • Impressive Quality


Sedna is an awesomely built, responsive free HTML5 one page template that gives you enormous flexibility towards sites creation. This carefully created list of free HTML landing page templates has accumulated some great products. Not only that Sedna is a free template but it’s easy-to-edit also. Sedna will give you features that are generally not found in free items.



For high-grade quality, Forkio makes its bold stance amidst free HTML landing page templates. We’re happy to share a stunning, eye-catchy, and mind-soothing template with you. It’s a one-page template that comes with so many compelling features that will make your sites unforgettable to your visitors. And, Forkio is adjustable to any project regardless of their size or type.


  • One Page Template
  • Built With Bootstrap
  • Minimal Design
  • Intuitive Layout
  • Responsive for Mobile Devices
  • Available Free

In the end

Free HTML landing page templates will alleviate your torment of being fast and efficient while creating websites. Use this list for getting all the high-quality free Bootstrap landing page templates made with HTML5 and CSS3. For more , visit our .